The European Learning Styles Information Network

6th Annual International Styles Conference

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Paper Submission Format

Please note that in order to have your paper published in the conference proceedings, this needs to reach us by May 25, 2001.  Please email your paper in word or .rtf format to MGraff@Glam.ac.uk


Eugene Sadler-Smith, Plymouth Business School, University of Plymouth, UK

These are the guidelines for your submission. The papers will be published in a book of proceedings. To give it a high-quality appearance we ask that you follow these guidelines as closely as possible.


The title of the paper should be Times New Roman 12pt bold and 1.5 spaced, all in UPPER CASE and centred. Authors and affiliations should follow on the next line and be laid out in the same way except in mixed upper and lower case (as above).


Other headings should be Times New Roman 12pt bold and 1.5 spaced in mixed upper and lower case, left-aligned. Do not use numbering systems for headings (e.g. 1.2.1, etc.).


For lower order headings and sub-headings use Times New Roman 10pt bold. Beyond this use a system which is consistent with the above and gives the paper a uniformity of appearance.

Body Text

One inch margin all round. Avoid footnotes. The main body text should be in Times New Roman 10pt 1.5 spaced and justified. Put quotations in "double quotes" and use italics for emphases only sparingly. Quotations of 40 words or more should be set indented and single-spaced as follows:
"It is not uncommon for managers to be presented with differing and sometimes conflicting interpretations of their team roles. For example, the factor structures of the various tests from a number of research studies are wildly inconsistent. What is required is a simple, economical and efficient explanation of the available evidence." (Bloggs, 1999, p.37)
Put a line space above and below the quotation. Do not indent paragraphs. Use a line space to separate paragraphs. There is no upper or lower word limit.


Tables should appear in the text at the appropriate point, be numbered consecutively and captioned as in the following example:

TABLE 1 Means, inter-correlations and scale reliabilities


Figures should appear in the text at the appropriate point, be numbered consecutively and captioned as in the following example:

FIGURE 1 The two dimensions of cognitive style

Language, Style and Content

Do not include any page numbering, headers or footers in your paper. The written and spoken language for the conference is English, however please write for an international audience, write in a straightforward style, use common and basic vocabulary and define or explain all technical terms, be careful in the use of gender-specific pronouns and other gendered words. Use inclusive language (such as 'she or he', 's/he' or 'they'). Please spell check your paper.


References should be listed at the end under the heading 'References' in the format as shown in the examples below for journal and books respectively (please use a hanging indent):

Furnham, A., Steele, H. and Pendleton, D. (1993). A response to Dr. Belbin's reply. Journal of Occupational and Organisational Psychology, 66, (3), pp.261-2

Hendry, C., Arthur, MB. and Jones AM. (1995). Strategy Through People. London, Routledge


Some people have opted to give a workshop paper, rather than a full paper. If this applies to you and would like to see your workshop paper included in the proceedings, please stick to these guidelines. If you do not wish it to be included in the proceedings please use whatever format you think is most suitable, but remember to bring an appropriate number of copies with you to the conference.


Paper size is A4. Your contribution can be submitted in hard copy or emailed as a Word or .rtf  attachment.

Please submit the hard copy and an electronic version of your contribution to Martin Graff, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Glamorgan, CF37   1DL.  UK by 25th May 2001.

It will not be possible to include in the proceedings any contributions received after this date.

Contributions by fax are not acceptable.

This list is not exhaustive but hopefully it covers most things. If you need any clarification please contact me at:



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