The European Learning Styles Information Network - An International Forum

Listed below are abstracts from the ELSIN 2001 conference.

If you require a reprint of the full paper, contact the author.  Email addresses are provided in most cases.



Cognitive Style and Dyadic Interaction: The matching hypothesis re-visited

Steve Armstrong,  University of Hull,  UK.



Trevor Barker, University of Hertfordshire, UK


Analysing Cognitive Style manifested in Students’ Work

Philip Bonanno  Junior College, University of Malta,  Malta


Educational Implications of Learning Style for Australian Indigenous University Students 

Professor Gillian Boulton-Lewis   Lynn Wilss,  Queensland University of Technology,   Australia


Option choices in a geography degree: congruence or divergence with learning style?

John Bradbeer,   University of Portsmouth,  UK


Explaining Academic Achievement Amongst Students in Higher Education: Learning Style, Academic Self-Efficacy, Academic Locus of Control, Computer Self-Efficacy and Perceived Proficiency as Determinants of Final Degree Classification.

Simon Cassidy  University of Salford, UK.


Approaches to learning, personality and academic performance

Åge Diseth,   University of Bergen,  Norway



Angus Duff,  University of Paisley,  UK


The impact of teaching in a particular cognitive style on student performance.

Carol Evans,   Institution: Kingston Grammar School,  UK


An investigation into the concept of a 'good' teacher - based on the views of students and lecturers at a University Business School.

William Fisher  University of Hertfordshire, UK


Using the Dunn and Dunn Learning Styles Model in Family Learning Classes

Foufou Savitzky  South Bank University   UK


The Effects of Cognitive Style and Hypertext Architecture on Perceived Orientation in a Hypertext Instructional Environment

Martin Graff,  University of Glamorgan,  UK.


Humor, personality and implications for learning situations

Leo Gürtler   University of Tuebingen,  Germany



Andrea Honigsfeld, Ed.D. Molloy College,  USA.


Learning styles and teaching scholarship: Development and evaluation of the UBC Faculty Certificate Program on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

Harry Hubball, Ph.D,   University of British Columbia,  Canada


Learning Styles and Sport Pedagogy:  An Holistic Approach to Coaching Young Players in a Team and Player Development Program

Harry Hubball, University of British Columbia,  Canada


Learning situations and individual uncertainty orientation

Guenter L. Huber  University of Tuebingen, Germany,  Anne A. Huber  Paedagogische Hochschule Weingarten, Germany.


Open and distance language learning: implications of individual learning styles and strategies for course design and learner support

Stella Hurd  Open University,  UK.


Evaluation of using Computing and Information Technology.  Do students learning styles affect their evaluations?

Anne JelfsProf. Chris Colbourn, University College Northampton. UK.


The Little and Often Principle
Timely and Iterative Feedback in Management Learning:
An Empirical Analysis

Bryan JonesMammed Bagher,  Dearne Valley Business School,  Doncaster,  UK.


The relationship between learning preference profile and academic achievement in first year BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy students

Clare Kell, Robert van Deursen, Department of Physiotherapy Education,  University of Wales College of Medicine:, Cardif.  UK.


Using a learning styles approach to improve learning, achievement and retention in further education - work in progress

Cynthia Klein and Alison Swabey,  South Bank University, UK


Educational Experience of Professional Accountancy Trainees

Namasiku Liandu,  Dundee Business School,  UK


Students' Perception of Online Learning Resources

Steve Love, University of Portsmouth,  UK.


Learning Outlooks in small firms

Dr Lynn Martin  University of Central England,  Dr Alison Halstead Coventry University, UK.


An examination of the learning styles of  South African and English undergraduate engineering students and the outcome for a teaching approach.

Dr. Lynn Martin, University of Central England, UK,  Dr. Alison Halstead, Coventry University, UK,  Dr. Lesly Cooke,  Technickon South Africa.


A Taxonomy of Student Learning Styles for Use in Developing Independent Study

Brian Miller  Cheltenham and Gloucester College of Higher Education, UK


The Mercury Model; an astrological approach to learning styles

Chris Ogilvie,  Institution: Astro Innovation, Cumbria:  Helyn Connerr BA MSc Professional Astrologer


The effect of cognitive styles, and educational computer environments on learning performance.

Adrian Parkinson,  Dr.T.Redmond, Dept of Computer Science ,Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland


Deep learning: a case study amongst men and women of different cultures

Rachel Percy,  University of Reading, UK.


The Structure and Reliability of Riding's Cognitive Style Analysis Test

Elizabeth Peterson   Ian J Deary   Elizabeth J Austin,  Department of Psychology, University of Edinburgh,   UK.


Developing Reflection in Post-Graduate Management Education

Gary Pheiffer Ms M Green, Senior Lecturer, University of North London. UK.


Relationship between deep / surface learning styles and students' evaluations of their first problem-based learning experience

Frances Reynolds,  Brunel University,  UK


Virtual Learning Environments and their learners: an empirical investigation of the relationship between cognitive style, motivational orientation and the new learning technologies.

Dr Julie Richardson, Kings College London, Tony Turner, Canterbury, Christ Church, University College, UK


Cognitive Style and Architectural Education

Andrew Roberts,  Cardiff University,  UK


A psycholexical approach to the elucidation of Cognitive Style

John Roodenburg   The University of Melbourne,  Australia


Building Excellence Through PeopleÉThe Learning Individual Learning Styles and Performance Practices

Susan M. Rundle, CEO and President, Performance Concepts International, Ltd. -- International Learning Styles Center, USA,   Dr. Colin Hankinson, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK



Eugene Sadler-Smith, Plymouth Business School,  UK.


Innovating a traditional university curriculum towards guided independent learning : potential, effects and congruency problems in relation to learning styles and other student characteristics

Tammy Schellens & Martin Valcke,   Ghent University,  Belgium.


Test Anxiety: An important issue in teacher education

Sarit Segal, Levinsky College of Education, Tel Aviv,  Israel



Gurmak Singh,  Vincenza Priola,   University of Wolverhampton,  UK.


The Typologies of Successful and Unsuccessful Students in Academic Subjects using the Perspectives of Students' Metacognitive Awareness and Actions in a High School Environment in Tennessee

Dr. Wade Smith  Ms. Eucabeth Odhiambo and Ms. Hebatella El Khateeb, Tennessee State University,  USA.


Cognitive and Learning Style:  Impact on Academic Performance in Higher Education

David Spicer,   University of Bradford Management Centre,  UK


The role of attributions and affects for academic performance in the formation of future success expectations

Georgia Stephanou,  Technological Educational Institution,   Thessaloniki,  Greece.


Approaches to Studying and the Perception of E-Seminars

Dr Jacqueline Taylor,   Bournemouth University,  UK    


Learning Styles and the Engineering of Learning Experiences

John Traxler  University of Wolverhampton.   UK.


Learners questions, quality questioners and learning styles

Professor Mike Watts,   University of Surrey,  UK



Wai-Ming  Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.


Undergraduate and PGCE Learning Preferences

Janis Jarvis and Derek Woodrow,  Manchester Metropolitan University, UK