The Mercury Model; an astrological approach to learning styles

Chris Ogilvie,  Institution: Astro Innovation,   Cumbria: Helyn Connerr BA MSc Professional Astrologer

Within our common humanity we are all unique. One key difference is our style of thinking and learning and we propose that this can be described in considerable depth and detail from data derived from date of birth. Everyone has a natural style of thinking and learning and “We all do best what comes naturally” (Cicero).  Understanding this and reconnecting people with their natural mental style helps both learners and relationships

This presentation will introduce our original work,  Mercury Model, an astrological approach to the identification and description of learning styles.  Over the past four years we have used this model with over 400 people, from business, education and the community.  There has been a high degree of identification with the model and we have a considerable body of anecdotal evidence to support its value in practical application in a variety of contexts.

The Mercury Model presents twelve different styles of learning.  These may be grouped into 3 sub-sets of similarity. One of these consists of four categories: Fire (enthusiastic activists), Air (conceptual logicals), Water (visual reflectors) and Earth (pragmatists).  Interestingly, these are similar to those categories used by Honey and Mumford (1992 and 1986). However, the Mercury Model needs no questionnaires for style identification and the empirical knowledge base, upon which the Model is formed, is thousands of years old.

The Model goes far beyond twelve styles to achieve a high level of individuality.  We all have a primary tone to our mentality and this is described by one of the twelve styles.  However, rarely is it found in its pure form.  For most of us there are modifying factors we call subtones, which work together with the primary tone to differentiate the nature of the mind even further.

In this presentation we will demonstrate the information about cognitive style and processes that can be derived from date of birth.  This includes
Initial reaction to new information.
Mode of receiving information.
Learning requirements for each style.
Style of processing.
The likelihood of retention.
Mental strengths; each of the 12 styles has its specialisms.
How each mind might appear to others.

Anecdotal evidence suggests that schools favour certain styles over others and that some children, are consequently unfairly disadvantaged. Some people left school with a negative self image as a result, having had their mental strengths perceived as weaknesses. This is particularly true of one of the twelve.

This invites a number of questions.  Is the topic of learning styles on the curriculum for trainee teachers? Do universal prescriptions for education , such as the literacy hour have any validity?

The Mercury Model has been used for self -development, improving communication between couples and partners, helping parents and teachers support children’s learning and particularly for team building in businesses.

For more information visit our website

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